Academic Overview
Pursuing Excellence For The Glory Of His Name
In addition to pursuing a rich spiritual environment, The Daniel Academy focuses on building a rigorous educational program for Grammar level students (age 5-12), Logic level students (age 12-14) and Rhetorical level students (age 14-18). Charlotte Mason, classical educator and school reformer of her time, advised spreading a “broad and generous feast” when it comes to programs and curriculum. That is our aim.
Using Classical methods, students will commit to memory important events, concepts and key facts across all the subjects, get “mind to mind” with the great authors, seek to order their thinking through the pursuit of language, and feast on things that are beautiful, noble and true in Literature, The Arts, and History. We believe that through the study of language, mathematics, and history, God’s fingerprints can be found and every effort taken to encourage students to explore truth deeply.
Students will be divided into “Forms” which are class groupings according to ages. Forms are the equivalent of two to three grade levels (example: Form I consists of students in approximately Kindergarten and 1st grade).
The Grammar Level student will pursue:
History & Geography
The Grammar of English
Composition & Literature
Memory Work
The Logic and Rhetorical Level student will pursue:
History & Geography
Persuasive Writing & Literature
Latin or Spanish
Memory Work
Art & Worship Arts
Along with the core subjects, periodically students will be given opportunities to participate with additional after school electives such as private music lessons.