Spiritual Overview


Training Kids In Prayer

“…Three times a day Daniel got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had always done.” Daniel 6:10

Our core mission at The Daniel Academy is to incorporate prayer and biblical training into our academic schedule in order to instill lifelong habits that will carry students through their lives in whatever sector of society they find themselves as adults. 

Throughout the school day students will take time to direct their focus to the Lord and grow in their relationship with Him through adoration, intercession, and thanksgiving prayer. 

Mornings begin with half an hour of devotion and adoration time and musical worship. Form I and II students will also take time for intercession and thanksgiving prayer during their school day. Students in Form IV and above spend ten to fifteen minutes on intercession and thanksgiving prayer after recess on Mondays and Wednesdays.


Praying The Word

“We want our children to connect with the Living Word (Jesus)
in the written word (The Bible).”

Lelonnie Hibberd, Children’s Pastor at The Kansas City Daniel Academy

Singing The Word

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:16

Learning To Listen

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
John 10:27-28


The Prayer Room


The prayer room movement is patterned after The Tabernacle of David where 24/7 prayer and worship were established in the temple, and after the Revelation 8 heavenly scene. As we read in Acts 15:16, God has promised to restore the tabernacle of David. We believe God is releasing a modern expression of what happened in David’s day through a prayer room environment by rallying believers across the globe to give themselves to prayer and to pursue a night and day offering to the Lord.

As educators at The Daniel Academy, we see the prayer room as a powerful integration of where the classical method and the Word of God can be combined. Singers singing the word, repeating choruses, reading Scripture, and remaining with a passage over an extended period of time— these are all elements used in a classical classroom, not to mention the conversational aspect so key to a student’s pursuit of truth. In the prayer room environment, individuals dialogue with the Creator of the Universe, ask Him questions, pour out their heart, and invite the Holy Spirit to reveal truth as they engage with The Living Word.