How do you help small children engage with prayer and SCRIPTURE?
At The Daniel Academy we believe even our youngest students can grow in their relationship with the Lord and hear from Him. Activities may include drawing while they are listening to worship music or a scripture being read, reading stories about prayer with a follow-up prayer time, or encouragement from instructors to ask God questions about a Bible verse they are memorizing. During our morning Adoration times, we meditate on a scripture and then will practice singing the verse to music while sometimes incorporating motions and movement to go along with it.
What if my child doesn’t seem interested in prayer?
We believe it is fully God’s responsibility to awaken hearts and initiate desire; it is our responsibility to set a table, to patiently intercede for students, and to love them as they develop their unique, individual relationships with the Lord. Throughout the school year, we look for gentle ways to partner with God and encourage their hearts to seek after Him. Cultivating a prayer life is a process and that process is a deeply valuable part of the story. As a student moves through stages of development in their faith, we put our eyes on God’s promise and leave the results to Him, fully confident that to whatever a person sows, there will be a harvest.
Parent/Teacher Relationship
do I need to stay on campus with my student(S)?
No, students are to be dropped off for class at 8:30 am and will be dismissed for pick up at 12:30 or 2:30 pm, depending on which Form they are in.
Will I need to come up with my own lesson plans?
TDA instructors will assign homework to be completed on Tues, Thurs & Fridays if necessary. Form I & II students will independently, with their parents, complete a Reading curriculum. The core Math curriculum will be completed at home for all students, with Math practice/concept reinforcement for Form I students completed at school.
How will teachers communicate with me about my student?
Parents and TDA staff will primarily communicate through Google Classroom (GC). This platform contains messaging capabilities, calendars, assignments, grades, as well as any documents required to fulfill assignments.
How will I receive lesson plans?
Instructors will upload assignments weekly assignments to Google Classroom.
How many kids are in a class?
We believe in quality instruction and participation that takes place in a small classroom setting. We limit our Form I enrollment to around 10 students. Form II and above typically have around 12 students or less per Form.
What if my student has advanced beyond their form in a subject?
We have built into our daily schedule the flexibility to allow for students to participate in classes that are appropriate for their academic level. Class adjustments are based on classroom availability.
where do i purchase books?
A complete book list will be given every summer with links to our best advice for where to purchase them. Parents are responsible for the purchase of all curriculum and necessary supplies by the first day of class.
How Do I Set Up an Account with Google Classroom?
Upon acceptance and enrollment into TDA, each family will receive a welcome email that guides through the process of joining Google Classroom.