Our Vision

To Raise Up Modern-Day Daniels.


Throughout Scripture God chose individuals through which to tell His story. Through His interactions with these people, God revealed His nature and ways with such infinite wisdom that their stories continue to speak. At The Daniel Academy, the Holy Spirit has especially highlighted the story of Daniel to us as we consider young people today, the course of culture, and the return of the King.

Daniel was a young man who remained steadfast and rooted in his relationship with God in the midst of great challenge and times of persecution. Though taken captive into a culture that did not honor the True Living God, he remained true. Even to the point of death, Daniel stood with great faith and God honored his obedience by delivering him with great displays from death verdicts. Scripture notes he was a man of prayer, even as he worked in governmental positions. He was a man marked out by excellence in natural things, as well as spiritual. He was a man who heard from the Lord, able to interpret dreams, as well as one who received significant revelation about the time of Revelations. In Daniel’s story, we learn that a life of prayer and fasting prepared him for all the eventualities he would face in the way of trial and persecution. It is our prayer for our own children and for our students that God would work in them to will and do as Daniel did.

God has put out a call to train up a generation of modern-day Daniels, children who will learn to walk with Him in prayer and pursue excellence in all things for the glory of His name.

At The Daniel Academy we are seeking to fulfill this calling through:

  • The incorporation of Prayer and Biblical training throughout the day

  • The Pursuit of truth, beauty, and wisdom through a classical approach to instruction

  • The Partnership with parents in their children’s academic and  spiritual education


Kelli Anderson
Founder & Director